Valid Driving license of the driver at time of accident.
Valid insurance disc and road fund license.
Copy of quotation for Cost of repairs to their vehicle.
Police statement/Police report.
Provide details of other parties involved in the accident.
Car Hire
Hirer Contract and.
Copy of the Self drive disc
In the event of an accident ensure you: 1. Inform the Police +248 4288000 or 999/Seychelles Fire and Rescue Services Agency +248 4289999 or +248 4323242 2. Take details of the other party involved in accident 3. Report to our offices within 7 days +248 4280400 during working hours or
For Comprehensive policy holders Contact someone from the breakdown services either the below or one of your preference 24/7 Break down services : 2578888/2588889 Asba Breakdown Services : 2512102/2519251